The role of a university is to deepen shared understanding of the world and its most pressing challenges, through respectful dialogue and the rigorous shaping and reshaping of ideas. In furtherance of Brown’s mission, Discovery Through Dialogue amplifies and fosters new opportunities for meaningful conversations across a wide range of perspectives. Through skill-building, knowledge-building and community-building, students, faculty and staff play an essential role in the learning and innovation that moves Brown and the world forward, by actively sharing views, engaging in dialogue across differences, and learning from one another.
Brown’s Discovery Through Dialogue project reflects and expands the University’s long-standing ethos of open inquiry. Since the University’s founding more than 250 years ago, open inquiry and respectful discourse have been hallmark elements of Brown’s commitment to unlocking knowledge and understanding. Rich with diversity of thought and experience, the Brown community listens to and learns from one another through the regular exchange of ideas and perspectives.
Ensuring that Brown continues to unlock knowledge and understanding through productive and respectful dialogue is a shared project of our campus community.